
The dashboard is a daily snapshot of key business metrics, including sales, orders, returns, and listing errors.

To access the dashboard, click on Dashboard at the top of the portal sidebar.


Gross Sales – This chart shows total revenue by sales channel for 30, 60, or 90 days. Click each box to change the date range.

You can hover your cursor over each bar to see the dollar amount for that sales channel.

Catalog Breakdown by Channel – This chart shows the number of listings by channel including a breakdown of how many have fatal errors or notices. You can hover your cursor over each bar to see the corresponding amount for that sales channel.

Recent Orders – This list shows the last 10 orders with columns for Order Number (#), Status, Source, Name, Total, and Date. Click on the order number to be taken to the order page for that order.

Orders (Today) – Total number of orders today. Click on this metric to be taken to the Orders page.

Avg. Order (Today) – Average order value for orders today. Click on this metric to be taken to the Orders page.

Sales (Today) – Total revenue earned today. Click on this metric to be taken to the Orders page.

Sales WTD Δ – Sales for the current week up to the current day, with the percentage increase over last week’s sales (up to the same day). The smaller number is last week’s sales up to the same day. Click on this metric to be taken to the Orders page.

Sales MTD Δ – Sales for the current month up to the current day, with the percentage increase over last month’s sales (up to the same day). The smaller number is last month’s sales up to the same day. Click on this metric to be taken to the Orders page.

Sales YTD Δ – Sales for the current year up to the current day, with the percentage increase over last year’s sales (up to the same day). The smaller number is last year’s sales up to the same day. Click on this metric to be taken to the Orders page.

Orders Pending (3 to 10 days) – Number of orders in the last 3 to 10 days that are pending (not shipped or fulfilled). Click on this metric to be taken to the Orders page filtered by pending orders.

Orders Pending (10 or more days) – Number of orders 10 or more days old that are pending (not shipped or fulfilled). Click on this metric to be taken to the Orders page filtered by pending orders.

Credited (10 days) – Percentage of orders in last 10 days that were credited for either cancellation or returns. Click on this metric to be taken to the Orders page.

Credited (45 days) – Percentage of orders in last 45 days that were credited for either cancellation or returns. Click on this metric to be taken to the Orders page.

Returns (10 days) – Percentage of orders in last 10 days that were returned. Click on this metric to be taken to the Orders page.

Returns (45 days) – Percentage of orders in last 45 days that were returned. Click on this metric to be taken to the Orders page.

Signups (Last 10 days) – Number of customer account signups in last 10 days. Click on this metric to be taken to the Customer page.

Signups (Last 45 days) – Number of customer account signups in last 45 days. Click on this metric to be taken to the Customer page.

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