eBay.com Step-By-Step Integration Guide

The step-by-step process for integrating to and selling on eBay.com. Our industry-leading native integration allows you to perform critical channel management operations, including:

  • Create new eBay listings directly from your portal in a number of categories.
  • Sync product details, variants and images to your eBay Account.
  • Sync inventory to your eBay listings.
  • Fulfill and manage eBay orders directly from your portal.
  • Set pricing and reserve or limit inventory just for eBay listings.
  • Streamlined error handling for increased efficiency.

For each step, please review its linked article for additional information.

  1. Register as a seller and choose your eBay Store Subscription.

  2. Complete your eBay Site Preferences Profile. The Site Preferences section on the My eBay menu allows you to adjust the following options:

    • Sales Tax
    • International Shipping
    • Accepting Paypal
    • Exclude Shipping Locations (eg. PO Boxes, Puerto Rico, etc.)
    • Flat Rate Shipping
  3. Setup your eBay Business Policies. Business policy templates store your preferences. for each of the following areas:

    • Payments
    • Fulfillment
    • Returns
  4. Link your PayPal and eBay Accounts.

  5. Add the eBay Sales Channel to your portal. This will connect the accounts to each other.

  6. Approve the eBay Authorization request by clicking on the link in the email and logging into your eBay account. The Authorization Email will have a subject line of ‘Action required to activate your ebay service’. Once approved then your eBay Service will be active.

  7. Create matching shipping methods to your eBay Account in your portal.

  8. Map your shipping methods between eBay and your portal.

  9. Create posting templates for eBay products you want to add to your eBay store.

  10. Select which products you want to enable for eBay.com.

    • To do so, navigate to Admin > Products > Products.

    • Click the Edit button for the items you wish to enable.

    • Navigate to the Custom tab and click the Ebay_Enabled field.

    • Enter the name of the applicable posting template for the product.

    • Click Save.

  11. Start Selling!

If you have any questions or for help along the way, please contact us.

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