Sell on Marketplace


We are natively integrated with the Marketplace. The integration is only with Orders, Shipments, Credits and Returns. Our webstore is not integrated with Overstock's Product API; you must load products using Overstock's spreadsheets in Supplier Oasis.

To get started follow the steps below:

Setup Overstock Marketplace

  1. Apply for an Marketplace (Supplier Oasis) account.

  2. Configure your Sales Tax Settings.

    Note: Shipping fees are collected and kept by Overstock.

  3. From the dashboard click Services.

  4. Then click Service Library.

    The Services Library page displays.

    Locate the Overstock service tile.

  5. Click Add Service.

  6. Enter the Service details:

    Title: Enter a name for your service. This is only for internal reference, eg. Overstock.

    User Name: Enter the username for your Supplier Oasis account.

    Password: Enter the password for your Supplier Oasis account.

    Warehouse Code: Please ask your Overstock account representative for this value.

    Product Query: Filter which products you want to enable for the Overstock Marketplace.

  7. Click Save.

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