Step 2: Install the ShipStation Fulfillment Provider App
- Click on Integrations in the left menu. Then click New within the Fulfillment Providers section.
Find the ShipStation App and click Add.
- Once Added, click on the Edit button to start configuring the App.
- Within the General Tab under Settings you can Enable/Disable this App and you can give it a custom name to help you recognize it easier. We allow you to install this integration multiple times, it is best to give this App a custom name if you intend to install ShipStation more than once.
- In the Authorization tab you will input the Api Key and Api Secret that you gathered from Step 2 in this Article.
- In the Setup tab we will do some more advanced setup to configure this specific ShipStation install for your store. There are 4 areas that you can fill out:
Store Id (Required): This is the store Id you found in Step 5 from this Article.
Starting Ship Advice ID: In certain instances we may want to start sending new orders to ShipStation starting after an existing order in our system. You can locate the a Ship Id that you want us to start at and all new relevant Ship Advices after that ID will get synced over to ShipStation.
Sales Channel ID's (Required): Each Sales Channel that you install into our system comes with a unique ID. You would include a comma separated list of all Sales Channels you would like this specific ShipStation integration to manage orders for. Read "How to find my Sales Channel Id's" for assistance.
Warehouse ID's (Required): Let us know which warehouses within this Acenda store belong to this specific ShipStation install. Read "How to find my Warehouse ID's" for assistance.
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