Step 1: Shipstation Credentials

  1. Login to your ShipStation account and navigate to the settings page.  This is a gear icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen.  Once in settings, click on the API Settings.

  2. If you have already generated api keys before, they will be present on this page.  If you have not generated them before, click on the Generate API Keys button.

    Copy the API Key and API Secret and past them into the ShipStation Fulfillment Provider integration that you installed on your store.

  3. To send orders to ShipStation they need to be organized to a store within your shipstation account.  This integration interacts with the manual order stores within ShipStation.  If you have an existing store you would like us to connect to, please indicate this.  If you would like to create a new store or multiple new stores you will need to create them and then provide us the corresponding Store Id's.

  4. To create a new store within ShipStation go to the Selling Channels > Store Setup From there we can either connect to a store that exists or create a new one by clicking Connect a Store

    This will create a modal window where you should choose ShipStation as the option.

    Give your new store a name that can help you recognize it and then click Connect.

  5. Locate your Store ID. This article will tell you how to get the Store ID of the store you just created. If you need help identifying your store ID we can help, but we will first need the API keys you generated in Step 2.


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