Set up Abandoned Cart Emails


Abandoned Cart emails are one of the most effective conversion tools available.  Acenda will automatically trigger an email if a shopping cart is abandoned.  

Presently, the Abandoned Cart service only works with website visitors who sign-in to their account during their session.

To setup abandoned cart email follow the steps below:

1. From the Acenda dashboard click Services
2. Then click Services Library
The Services page displays. Locate the Abandoned Cart Email service tile.
3. Click Add Services
+ Enlarge Graphic

4. Enter the Service details:

  • Title: A friendly title for this service, eg. Abandoned Cart Email
  • Inactivity Time (in seconds): The period of time (in seconds) that you want the service to wait before sending the abandoned cart email.
  • Subject: The subject line for the email
  • Message (Twig): The editable twig HTML template for the body of the Abandoned Cart email. 
5. Click Save
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