Google Merchant Center: Verifying Site Ownership


Google Merchant Center requires that you verify site ownership.

To verify your website, follow the steps below:

Google Merchant Center Steps

  1. Log in to your Google Merchant Center account.

    +Enlarge Graphic

  2. Navigate to Settings > Website Verification.

  3. Click Alternative Methods.

    The Alternative Methods form displays.

  4. Select the HTML Tag Method.

  5. Copy the Meta Tag text string to your Clipboard.

Store System Steps

  1. From the dashboard click Themes.

  2. Then click Installed Themes.

    The Templates page displays.

    +Enlarge Graphic

  3. Navigate to Installed Themes > Mia > views > _layouts > base.html.twig

    If your account has multiple themes, choose the theme with a * character.

  4. Paste the Meta Tag text string from your Clipboard (see red arrow on screenshot above).

  5. Click Save.

  6. Click Deploy.

Google Merchant Center Last Step

  1. Return to Google Merchant Center and click Verify & Claim.

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