Setup a Shipping Feed (FTP)
Your store makes it easy to update orders with tracking numbers. There are several ways to approach this:
Update the order manually in the Admin Tool > Orders > Fulfill Items button.
Use the Acenda API's to update orders.
Use the ShipStation integration to sync orders.
Configure Acenda to process a Shipping Feed via (s)FTP. See instructions below.
To update order status as shipped, attach a tracking number, charge the order and send an order confirmation email with the Shipping Feed, follow the steps below:
Prerequisite Steps
Create a comma delimited file (CSV). There are two types of Shipping feeds: Basic and Advanced. See below for formatting instructions:
Advanced - 6 Columns (click here to see sample):
This REQUIRES a header (you can choose header names), and the values to be mapped via this page.
Let's say you have a file that looks like this:
You would provide the value in the first row (the header. Row A in Excel) in the mapping above for each column. (ie; "order_id" for "Order Number Column Name"). The example above would be translated to:
A single shipment for order 1234 with tracking number 1Z... containing Qty 1 of Sku 26, Quantity 6 of Sku 32, and Qty 3 of Sku 16.
Basic - 3 Columns (click here to see sample):
The default behavior is the "3 column" feed which DOES NOT contain a header, and consists of:
skus would be pipedelimited to indicate multiple skus per order:
If no skus provided - we assume all skus shipped
Note: Your file must contain all three columns; however, you can have blank values in the columns if you do not wish to update the field.
Filename should be something logical to you with a timestamp i.e. YOURBRANDNAME-SHIP-MMDDYY-HHMMSS.csv
Create an FTP location for your files:
Your account representative will provide an FTP account/location. After receiving your credentials, Please do the following:
Download Filezilla (or any service you prefer).
Enter your credentials as instructed by your account representative.
After logging in, drag and drop the formatted spreadsheet and our system will update accordingly.
Activate Shipping Feed Service
From the dashboard click Services.
Then click Services Library.
The Service Library page displays.
Scroll down to Fulfillment Service 2.0 and click Add Service.
The Service page displays.
Enter the Service details:
Status: Turn the service on/off
Title: A friendly name for your service, eg. Warehouse Shipping Feed
Remote File Path: Enter the FTP path for your directory, eg. OR
Login Username: The username for your FTP account
Login Password: The password for your FTP account
File Prefix: the prefix for your Shipping Feed, eg. SHIP-042017-1041.csv.
Note: after Acenda processed your Shipping Feed it will rename the file with the suffix = .processed.
Charge Order: Check this box if you want Acenda to charge the orders in the Shipping Feed.
Default Carrier: The carrier that will be used if none is provided in the feed.
Default Shipping Method: The shipping method that will be used if none is provided in the feed.
Tracking Column Name: The header name of your tracking number column in your feed, if you are not using the default 3 column feed.
Order Number Column Name: The header name of your order number column in your feed, if you are not using the default 3 column feed.
Carrier Column Name: The header name of your carrier column in your feed, if you are not using the default 3 column feed.
Shipping Method Column Name: The header name of your shipping method column in your feed, if you are not using the default 3 column feed.
Items Column Name: The header name of your item array column in your feed, if you are not using the default 3 column feed.
Item-Quantity Column Name: The header name of your item quantity array column in your feed, if you are not using the default 3 column feed.
Match Items Using: The method of matching your items column values to your products. Use ‘SKU’ if your items column contains SKUs, etc.
Alert Email Address: Alert emails will be sent to these comma separated email addresses if there are any issues with processing fulfilment feeds.
Field Delimiter: Select the option which corresponds to how your feed is delimited.
Click Save.
From the dashboard click Services.
Then click My Services.
The Services page displays.
Locate the Fulfillment Feed in the list and click Edit.
The Default Actions form displays.
Adjust the frequency that your store processes your Fulfillment Feed by clicking on the Generate button.
Click Save.
You can monitor your Fulfillment Feed service in Dashboard > Events.
From the Dashboard, click Events.
The Events page displays.
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