Entering a Customer Phone Order


It easy for your Customer Service department to manually enter a Phone Order saving you valuable time.

To create a new order directly within the Admin Tool follow the steps below:

  1. From the dashboard click Orders.

    The Orders page displays.

  2. Click New Item.

  3. Locate the Customer panel:

    • Search for Customer OR
    • Click New Customer
  4. Search / Add Products to the order.

  5. Adjust the quantity and price for each item.

  6. Select the Shipping Method.

  7. Enter the Payment Information.

    You can also Save an order for later. This is useful if a customer wants to call back later to complete. Simply click the Save button. Then find the order on the Order list page: Admin > Order and finalize payment.

  8. Enter a Coupon Code (optional).

  9. Click Save.

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