Fraud Prevention and Risk Analysis Service


The Fraud Review Service has built-in risk analysis and fraud prevention tools to help reduce chargebacks.

Tip: Paypal and Stripe provide additional / separate Fraud Prevention systems and we encourage you to use them in conjunction with our Fraud Prevention Tools.

To enable fraud review controls follow the steps below:

  1. From the dashboard click Services.

  2. Then click Service Library.

    The Service Library page displays.

  3. Under the Fraud Review service click Add Service.

  4. Enter the Service details:

    Status: Toggle On/Off.

    Title: Give the service a friendly name, eg. Acenda Fraud Services.

    Item Count Threshold: Set the minimum item quantity that will trigger the order to flag as Fraud Review.

    Order Total Threshold: Set the minimum order total for that will trigger the order to flag as Fraud Review.

    Maxmind Score Threshold: As a courtesy, Acenda customers enjoy 3rd Party fraud prevention from Set the threshold between 0.01 and 99.0 (NOTE: 0.01 is the lowest risk and 99 is the highest risk). Maxmind recommends the default value be set to 3.0 (IMPORTANT NOTE: do not set it at zero (0) as this will cause the service to fail).

  5. Click Save.

    Acenda will now flag suspicious orders as Fraud Review on the Order Admin list.

    Note: It's best practice that orders marked as Fraud Review shouldn't transmit to the Recurring Export Service until the Order Status is manually changed to Open. To enable this feature set the Recurring Export Service's Query field to: {"status":"open"}

  6. The individual order page will display the reason(s) for fraud review:

    Click on the Fraud Check warning.

  7. If you are comfortable that the order is NOT fraudulent then change the Order Status to Open and Save the order. If the order is fraud the we recommend setting the Order Status to Cancelled.

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