Product Collections


This article will walk you through the process of grouping products into a Product Collection.
We recommend referencing the Product Schema guide to understand the relationship between Variants, Products and Collections.

Here's an example of a Product Collection with a group of products. Note how the products are grouped together by Product Type (eg. Crib Bedding Accessories).

Prerequisite Steps:

First you need to create individual products using the Product Tool. Please reference the Add a Product article.

To setup a product collection follow the steps below:

  1. From the dashboard click Products.

  2. Then click Collections.

    The Collection page displays.

  3. Click New Item.

    The collection information screen displays - this screen is divided into grouped regions.

  4. Enter Description information for the collection:

    • Name
    • Description
  5. Add Image and Video:

    • Click Upload File and follow the file browse and upload process.
    • Add URL Link for video.
  6. Enter the Meta Information:

    • Meta Title: Enter a value for the Title meta-tag for SEO purposes.
    • Meta Keywords: Enter Keyword meta-tag for SEO purposes.
    • Meta Description: Enter a Description meta-tag for SEO purposes.
    • Slug (URL): Customize your URL.
  7. Enter the Products to be associated with the collection.

    If you want the Collection to display on the site but DON'T want the individual products to display on the site then remove the Category value from the individual product pages.

  8. Select the collections Visibility, choose from:

    • Active
    • Disabled
  9. Enter the Organization information:

    • Brand: Enter the Brand name of the product.
    • Categories: Assign the product to one or more Categories.
    • Tags: Enter promotional tags. For example: Free Shipping, New, Closeout.
  10. Click Save.

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