Add Live Chat


Adding Live Chat to your site allows customers to interact with your sales, marketing and customer service teams.

Prerequisite Step:

Create a Live Chat account.

To add a URL Redirect follow the steps below:

  1. From the Acenda dashboard click Content.

  2. Then click Widget Library.

    The Widget Library page displays.

  3. Under the Live Chat widget tile click Add Widget.

  4. From the Dashboard menu click Content > My Widgets.

    The Widgets page displays.

  5. Click Edit in the Live Chat widget listing.

  6. Navigate to Live Chat > Settings > Installation > My website

  7. Copy the license key found in the body of the page.

  8. From the Dashboard menu click Content > My Widgets.

    The Widgets page displays.

  9. Click Edit in the Live Chat widget listing.

  10. Paste the Live Chat license key into the LICENSE_KEY field.

  11. Click Save.

  12. From the Acenda dashboard click Themes.

    Then click Installed Themes.

    The Templates page displays.

  13. Using the template editor browse to the twig template that you wish to insert the Live Chat widget into.

  14. Navigate to the section of the page before the tag and insert the Live Chat widget.

  15. Click Save.

    You can now Preview and Deploy the Live Chat widget.

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