Adding Custom Fields


Within your store, you have the power to add Custom Fields to any model (eg. Order, Customer, Locations, etc.).

To add or modify a Custom Field please follow the steps below:

  1. From the dashboard click Settings.

  2. Then click Custom Fields.

    The Custom Data Schemata form displays.

  3. Select the Model from the dropdown list.

    +Enlarge Graphic

  4. Click Add Rule.

    The Validation Rule popup window displays.

  5. Select the Validate As field type (a field must have at very least 1 validation rule).

    You can have multiple rules per Custom Field; to do so, you must enter one rule per entry.

  6. Enter a Name for the Custom Field.

    Names must be lowercase, no empty spaces and avoid special characters.

    For example: store_manager_name, number_parking_spots, holiday_hours are all valid field names.

  7. Click Save Changes.

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