General Site Settings


The general Site Settings form allows you to setup and optimize both customer facing and backend options for your site.

To setup or modify your General Site Settings follow the steps below:

  1. From the dashboard click Settings.

  2. Then click Site Settings.

    The Site Settings page displays.

    The default tab is General, click the other tabs to toggle between them as required.

    The general settings are ordered under header sections as described below. Update any setting that you need to under each section.

General Information

  • Store Name: Enter a store name that will be referenced both on your website and in the admin tool, eg.
  • Store Title: The SEO title for your homepage, eg. Acme - Top Selling Hardware Parts.
  • Primary Hostname: Adjust the primary domain name for your website, using or formats.
  • Units of Measure: Select the units used for describing the dimensions and weight of product variants.
  • Timezone: Adjust for your local time zone. The admin tool will adjust reports and tables to this time. You can modify anytime.
  • Logo: Upload a PNG, GIF or JPEG image. We recommend the width be 240 pixels.
  • Favicon: The format for the image you have chosen must be 16x16 pixels or 32x32 pixels, using either 8-bit or 24-bit colors. The format of the image must be one of PNG (a W3C standard), or GIF.

Business Information

  • Business Name: The company name that will appear by default in site templates.
  • About Us: The company description that will appear by default in site templates.

Contact Information

  • Phone Number: The contact phone number.
  • Contact-Us Email: The email address where contact us emails are received.

Customer Default Behavior

Set preferences for customer behavior that aligns with your business needs:

  • Allow Guest Browsing:
    • Enabled: Allow guest shoppers (not logged in as a customer) to browse products.
    • Disabled: Shoppers must be logged in as a customer to browse products.
  • Show Prices:
    • Enabled: Allow guest shoppers (not logged in as a customer) to see prices.
    • Disabled: Shoppers must be logged in as a customer to see prices.
  • Allow Guest Orders:
    • Enabled: Allow guest shoppers (not logged in as a customer) to place orders.
    • Disabled: Shoppers must be logged in as a customer to place orders.

Order Behavior

  • Order Number Length: How many digits are in an order number.
  • Return Policy: The return period allowed for customers to make a return.
  • Shipment Cutoff Hour: The hour that you can last ship orders on a given day (24 hour clock).
  • Order Cancellation Policy: The time (minutes) after an order is placed that a customer can cancel an order.
  • Product Prices Include Tax: Set to enable automatic calculation of product tax.


  • Meta Description: The SEO meta-tag description for your homepage.
  • SEO Keywords: The SEO meta-tag keywords for your homepage.
  • SEO Image: The SEO image that will appear on social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter.

Metrics & Analytics

  • Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager: Insert the tracking ID from your Google account.
  • Enhanced Ecommerce: If "unchecked" then Google Analytics will only track transaction and revenue data. If "checked" then Google Analytics will track additional information about your visitor behavior.

Wishlist & Registry

  • Hide Wishlist: Slide to active to disable the wishlist feature.
  • Hide Registries: Slide to active to disable the registry feature.

Password Protection

  • Store Password: If populated with a Store Password then your website will be private, guests will be required to enter the Store Password. Use this feature while you are developing your website.
  • Active or Inactive: Slide to activate or disable Password protection.
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